###### Tags: `DAISEE` `correspondance` `mails` # [DAISEE] Mails de rebond ## En Français Bonjour ! Je fais suite à notre rencontre du jour suite à ma présentation [ou nos échanges]. Tout d'abord, voici quelques documents qui peuvent vous intéresser sur DAISEE: - [Le diaporama d'intro]((https://frama.link/DAISEE-summary)) - [Le répertoire GitHub](https://github.com/DAISEE) - [Le forum d'échanges](http://chat.lamyne.org) A titre d'information, nous avons participé en [2016](http://hackaday.io/project/10879-2016-internets-of-energy-call-me-daisee) au Hackaday Prize. L'entrée de 2016 permet d'avoir une vue assez détaillée des activités de prototypage logiciel entre avril et novembre. ## En Anglais It's been a pleasure to talk with you and I'm glad that the DAISEE program has reached your interest. Further to our talk, please find more detailed resources about the DAISEE program in the following links: * [The Slideck for the new contributors](https://frama.link/DAISEE-summary) * [The GitHub repository with code](https://github.com/DAISEE) * [Our blog posts to follow the story](https://medium.com/@CallMeDaisee) FYI: we've participated in the [Hackaday Prize Challenge 2016](http://hackaday.io/project/10879-2016-internets-of-energy-call-me-daisee) and are participating again [this year](https://hackaday.io/project/21954-daisee-buiding-the-internets-of-energy). The 2016 entry gathers the detailed description of the origins of the DAISEE program as well as technical and non technical details. We'll be more than glad to keep in touch with you and define what could be the commons ground for potential collaboration. What I would propose as a first shot would be a cross presentation of the activities on which your working on and our activities with DAISEE . I think we have room to discuss first the topic online and prepare this moment of cross knowledge sharing. By the way, please do not hesitate to share with us your interests and the projects you're either involved in or you think would be interesting to relate with the DAISEE dynamics.