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# Vote for the logo/tagline ## tagline ### kubernetes the libre way Pierre: I vote for this, because this is in reference to [kubernetes the hard way](https://github.com/kelseyhightower/kubernetes-the-hard-way). Samuel (aka lalop): Nothing better ## logo ![](https://hot-objects.liiib.re/pad-lamyne-org/uploads/upload_a7a839688cc463c5b835966832617cf0.png) ![](https://hot-objects.liiib.re/pad-lamyne-org/uploads/upload_5d7fcc49f5bc80115c61031439e264e0.png) Samuel (aka lalop): I find it more pleasant, I think the representation of the compass seems more subtle. But I'm fine with the forth one. ![](https://hot-objects.liiib.re/pad-lamyne-org/uploads/upload_181db3306c8fbf5c932c1021a34da518.png) ![](https://hot-objects.liiib.re/pad-lamyne-org/uploads/upload_a6f3d0fef5e53aa6d118584cde731fb2.png) Pierre: I vote for this one, because I think, at least at the beginning, this would be a compilation of resources to run kubernetes without any proprietary components. If we need to develop any part, we'll do, but at the begining, I don't see it. So this logo would express the fact that we give directions for hosting a libre kubernetes cluster. gandhiano: I also like the aesthetic of this the most, it feels lighter and more inviting in comparison to the more filled logos agryson: thumbs up too ![](https://hot-objects.liiib.re/pad-lamyne-org/uploads/upload_cdc1fa28a56f9312dc2903f3e04433ef.png)