# LibreHosters - the libre hosting syndicate/federation ## What do we want LHS/LHF to be ? Questions that might help to see what participants seek for https://pad.lamyne.org/OwYwzAnBBmBMAsBaCYCsBTR8CM6CGiAHOrIcgAwQBG4hAJnjhEA=?view ``` ________________________________________ < LibreHosters come-together autumn 2018 > ---------------------------------------- \ ^__^ \ (oo)\_______ (__)\ )\/\ ||----w | || || ``` Time frame : few days in October - November 2018 ## Proposed coordinates 09.11. - 11.11. in Amsterdam - Friday afternoon at https://laglab.org/ - Saturday and Sunday at https://wiki.techinc.nl/Librehosters_gathering Schedule on this pad (with links to note pads): https://pad.lamyne.org/OwJgbArAJgHARgMwLQEM4FMxICwzMuFYLBCATnQEZgAGKMyiGIA=# ### Who is coming? - Nubo: [Agnez](https://pads.domainepublic.net/p/LHS-questions-agnez) (nov9-11) - weho.st: realitygaps, mattronix - Ecobytes: gandhiano - indie.host: Pierre & Tim - [lain.haus](https://lain.haus): f0x - fuba.red: [Nino](https://cloud.bozzie.be/s/cfJQLHqYMZtPBYm) - [P.S.: ](https://pad.lamyne.org/s/rkPUELFcm) hellekin - [Kate](https://pad.lamyne.org/s/H1xlf_AoQ) (arrive Nov 9th -> leave Monday 12th) - [decentral1se](https://pad.lamyne.org/s/ByalD0GTm#) (arrive Saturday for the day most likely) - [CloudMeUp](https://pad.lamyne.org/s/SJWj_uWaX#): a9i ### Who is not coming but joining via VoIP? Please mark your prefered time if you have one. If you want to propose a presentation (other than just voiping together) please indicate that, too. - pyg (CHATONS) - sadurday 3-4pm (pushed by agnez to give some insight about chatons: what works, what doesn't) - Jean-Yves (CHATONS) (told agnez that he plans to voip with us) ## Proposed topics - What is the need that we try to answer by establishing a librehosting syndicate - each participant individually and as the whole of the group? - Who are we? / Who might become part of it? :::danger [needs update] - [awesome-librehosters @ framagit](https://framagit.org/librehosters/awesome-librehosters) - [awesome-librehosters @ github](https://github.com/libresh/awesome-librehosters) ::: - Which conditions does a group/a person need to meet to call itself a libre hoster? *Note:* The term libre has different associations in different places. - Write a charter ? resources: - A manifesto against data retention https://crabgrass.riseup.net/aktivix/nodataretention - chatons manifesto https://chatons.org/en/charter-and-manifesto - define procedures like Participatory Guarantee Systems in agriculte ? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Participatory_Guarantee_Systems - CHATONS - good and bad lessons learned : what can we learn from the experiences made, eventually take over what is working well and avoiding repeat their initial misconceptions? https://forum.chatons.org/t/after-the-lsm-meeting/198 - collective decisions procedures - coordinated by an association - visibility, site, communication, adressing non-geeks - Collectivizing * knowledge / good practices * tools (tech, communication, sensibilisation material) * visibility -> being findable by people that whish to degoogelize * sys/devops/development platforms? A common Gitlab? - sharing deployment pipelines? * financing of tool development, joint projects * self-certification (security/privacy) * understanding needs of target users and communities - who is using what, who needs what, where do we have stuff, what are we missing? - Hacking together sessions - which should be the main objectives of librehosters? - access to ethical services for non-techies, helping finding services, vulgarization of tech talk, making widely familiar - self-certification - accountability - coding process stemming from those two considers to be (1) accountable and (2) accessible in (3) transparent and (4) predictable ways. - librehosters part can be much less so and more about community and interactions - knowledge and documentation sharing; also for end-users - Who wants to spend effort on extracting and explicating the social patterns and principles from the libre.sh charter and remodel them into a Librehosting declaration? - https://framagit.org/librehosters/declaration/ - Which arguments and text can we record from our ongoing conversations to help produce a feeling of shared ownership and collective intentionality, as well as a publicly inviting surface? # Logistics, organisation of the meeting ## VoIP to include those who can't come - schedule, set appointments - technical needs ## Housing needs Who needs to be hosted in Amsterdam ? - ~~Agnez~~ [found a place] - Nino - Pierre - Tim - hellekin - [Kate](https://pad.lamyne.org/s/H1xlf_AoQ) - f0x (would be nice, not necessary) - gust (TBC) ## Call for participation Invitation Libre Hosters Gathering Hi With a bunch of libre hosters we are trying to create a syndicat/notwork/exchange-collaboration-platform... to be defined what it's going to be. A first meeting IRL is planned for November 9-11 in Amsterdam. This message is an invitation to you and your libre hosting collective to join! Join the Amsterdam meeting, join the discussions, join future meetings, join the idea of sharing (knowledge, effort, tools...) At the moment there is only a chat room on Matrix/RIOT called Libre Hosters Syndicate: https://matrix.to/#/!KUQMqRSWURFypMVIyn:chat.weho.st There is also a bridge to an IRC channel, for those who prefer: #librehosters on freenode. This room is a very chaotic place at the moment, better communication tools should come up soon (post Amsterdam meeting). If you don't feel like droping by at the chat room for now but want to stay informed about the november meeting and future communication channels, let me know.[this would be the person sending] If you can't make it to Amsterdam in November, joining partly by VoIP for those who can't be there physically should be an option. If you want to help define what 'librehosters' should be or what you or your affinity group would need from a pan-European collective. Please join! # Scheduling next steps Next call is starting a rhythm of regular check-ins for the community. Possible (near) future meeting occasions : - 35c3 27-30 December 2018 - fosdem 2&3 February 2019 # Communication channel(s) - chat: [matrix](https://matrix.to/#librehosters:disroot.org) | [xmpp](https://conversations.im/j/#librehosters%irc.freenode.net@irc.disroot.org) | IRC #librehosters @ freenode.net - alternative options to join (same rooms) - matrix via: [weho.st](https://matrix.to/#librehosters:chat.weho.st), [allmende.io](https://matrix.to/#librehosters:allmende.io) - xmpp via: [snopyta.org](https://conversations.im/j/#librehosters%irc.freenode.net@irc.snopyta.org) # awesome librehosters lists - https://github.com/libresh/awesome-librehosters - https://we.riseup.net/yellowpages/services # notes from chat discussion - define typologies of librehosters - define different kinds of non- and for profit (need to make profit for salaries, co-op, exact (voting) strucutre). - consider how to be transparent about which kind of typology is consider ok for the syndicate - What are the expectations and / or needs of different collectives - Doesn't matter, small or big, as long as it is committed to free software, federation and the decentralized web? - (Political) aims / goals? - Common tools wanted / needed (forum, some gitlab?) - Level of cooperation # similar initiatives / relevant read-up - https://forum.chatons.org/t/after-the-lsm-meeting/198/2